10.1 inch LCD Display Price and Features List! Master it in One Article!

source:HiFLYZX read:1 time:2023-11-22 09:54:59 tag: 10.1 inch LCD screen 10.1 inch LCD screen price 10.1 inch LCD screen manufacturer

  Want to know the price and features of the 10.1 inch LCD display? Why not follow our article and take a look! In this article, we will introduce in detail the various features and price information of the 10.1 inch LCD display so that you can Be able to fully understand the benefits and price range of this product. Come and find out!

10.1 inch LCD display

  The 10.1 inch LCD display is a high-definition, high-quality display device that is widely used in tablet computers, TVs, surveillance and other fields. It uses liquid crystal display technology, which has the characteristics of bright colors, high definition, and fast response speed, and can provide users with a smooth visual experience. In addition, the 10.1 inch LCD display also has the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, and is a very popular display device.

  So, what are the specific prices and features of the 10.1 inch LCD display? Let’s introduce them one by one below.

  First of all, in terms of price, the price of 10.1 inch LCD display varies according to different brands, specifications and performance. The prices of common 10.1 inch LCD displays on the market generally range from tens to hundreds. You can choose a product that suits you according to different needs. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the brand's credibility, after-sales service and other factors to ensure that you purchase products with high cost performance.

  Secondly, the characteristics of the 10.1 inch LCD display are also unique. First of all, in terms of resolution, 10.1 inch LCD displays usually have high resolutions such as 1024*600, 1280*800, 800*1280, 1200*1920, 1920*1080, etc., which can present delicate picture effects. Followed by contrast and brightness, which are also important indicators that affect the picture effect. Generally speaking, the contrast ratio of a 10.1 inch LCD display can reach more than 1000:1, and the brightness can also be more than 300cd/m², which can present rich colors and bright pictures. In addition, the 10.1 inch LCD display has a wide viewing angle, usually up to 178°, so you can maintain a clear picture no matter which angle you view the screen. This display also has a high refresh rate and can present smooth dynamic images, giving users a better visual experience.

  In addition, the 10.1 inch LCD display also has the characteristics of fast response, strong durability, and power saving. Response speed refers to the speed at which the display screen can quickly display the image after receiving external signals. Generally speaking, the response speed of a 10.1 inch LCD display can reach less than 5ms, which can meet the needs of most users. At the same time, this display uses LED backlight technology, which can save energy and extend service life. It can be said that the 10.1 inch LCD display is a display device with stable performance and long service life.

  To sum up, the 10.1 inch LCD display has the advantages of high definition, high quality, energy saving and environmental protection, and the price is relatively moderate. Whether it is used as a display screen for tablets, TVs or monitoring equipment, it can provide users with a smooth visual experience. If you are interested in a 10.1 inch LCD display, you may wish to go to professional electronic product sales channels to learn more about it and find the product that suits you.

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